Mediablog4you-How to Install the Facebook Like Button, Twitter, Google+ and Share Without Edit HTML?-blogger friends Good evening all, my hope is in a state of good health, and none of its reduced everything, amen. As usual mediablog4you comes back to share with you all, my friends. This time mediablog4you will share about ''How to Install the Facebook Like Button, Twitter, Google+ and Share Without Edit HTML?''.
Before we install facebook share icon and his friends, how much better we know the benefits of installing the share icon, ok ... the benefits of share buttons facebook, twitter, google plus etc on the blog is to share content that we create in order to quickly Unknown by friends or our friends who have accounts on social media share our goal, and this will mempercapat traffic content and the web / blog, or better again the language is free advertising to social media. Once the share only to one social media (facebook, twitter, linkedin, google plus and pinterest) average traffic there get about 5 to 10 visits, cool is not it ..! with a record ane-ane must have accounts in all social media that you want to be the destination share.
Utilizing social media to share the content is very large, so do not be lazy to share any content that you fill in web / blog agan, either pictures, videos or articles, bahakan can be repeated if the content has up to date information.
Almost every web / blog there is a share button on the default web / blog that we have, but sometimes it feels like we wanted a better and practical to suit our tastes. On blogger for example, if we use the default template of blogger look less full, eating we need to modify our blog template in order to have a share button that is more cool and functioning properly.
Below is a picture of a demo of my blog was deleted
![]() |
Demo of share buttons facebook, twitter, google plus and the other as I circled with a red circle |
You can plug the above post, below the post and the sidebar. In the last post has been shared on ''Submit your blog website as well as to 1, 818 simple only once time', Hopefully useful course and the seo blog, heee.
Ok, back to the title How to Install the Facebook Like Button, Twitter, Google+ Without Edit HTML?
One way to popularize our blog is to put Like buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Share.
Advantages Installing Like Button Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Share is a reader can easily share their favorite posts to friends facebook and google plus they just one click, and as a blog owner, my friend also got the advantage of the additional traffic from readers who mengelink article pal on their Facebook profile and google +.
Ok, for those interested follow the way below!
1. Login to your blog dashboard
2. Select the design
3. Select the Add a Gadget / widget
4. Select HTML / Java Script
5. Then copy the HTML code below
<! - AddThis
Button BEGIN ->
<div class =
"addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style">
fb:like:layout="button_count"> </a>
class="addthis_button_tweet"> </a>
g:plusone:size="medium"> </a>
class="addthis_counter addthis_pill_style"> </a>
</ div>
<script type =
"text / javascript" src =
</ script>
<! - AddThis
Button END ->
6. Paste that code in html / java script earlier.
7. Save, and finished
Now that How to Install Facebook Like Button, Twitter, Google+ and Share Without its Edit HTML may be useful alone and increasingly crowded his blog as senen market.
Simple tutor...
ReplyDeleteI wanna try next time..
Alright, i like the simplest one, hehe althougt the best article is more then 300 words, but i don't care, hehe